var, let & const in Javascript
2 min readMar 4, 2024
- var can either be functional scoped or global scope but not block scoped. It means that if it is declared in a function, it won’t be accessible outside of it but if it’s written in a block of if-else, it can be accessed anywhere within the code.
- var variables are hoisted to the top of the scope during the compilation phase, meaning that var can be used before being declared in the code.
function example() { if (true) { var x = 10 } console.log(x) // Outputs 10 (no block-scoping) }
console.log(x) // Outputs: undefined var x = 5 console.log(x) // Outputs: 5
even though console.log(x) appears before the declaration var x = 5 it doesn’t result in an error. During the compilation phase, the declaration var x is hoisted to the top, making the variable
accessible throughout its scope. However, only the declaration is hoisted, not the initialization, so the first console.log(x) outputs undefined. The second console.log(x) outputs5
after the variable has been assigned the value5
- var can be declared and reassigned.
- use var if you want function-scoped variables that can be hoisted.
- let has block-scope and can only be accessed inside that block ( i.e curly braces{})
- let variables are hoisted to the top but are not initialised until an actual declaration is done. this is called the temporal dead zone.
function example() { if (true) { let blockScopedVar = "I am block-scoped" console.log(blockScopedVar) // Outputs: I am block-scoped } // Attempting to access blockScopedVar here would result in an error. // console.log(blockScopedVar) // Error: blockScopedVar is not defined } example()
console.log(variableBeforeDeclaration) // Error: Cannot access 'variableBeforeDeclaration' before initialization let variableBeforeDeclaration = 42 console.log(variableBeforeDeclaration) // Outputs: 42
- let variables can be reassigned but we can not redeclare them within the same scope.
- use let if you want block-scoped variables that can be reassigned.
- const also has block scope meaning that isn’t accessible outside the block( i.e curly braces { })
- const variables must be initialised during the declaration
- const variables can neither be redeclared nor reassigned and hence are known as immutable
- use const if you want block-scoped variables that are constant and cannot be reassigned.
Originally published at