The Consequences of Unmade Choices
Have you ever wondered what life could have been like if you had booked that train on that Friday night? If you had just believed in yourself enough to know that you might have excelled in your life had you chosen a different career path? If you had gathered the courage to tell them you miss them? To accept when you were wrong and take accountability, or maybe if you had just run away when you stayed and tried your best; if you had stayed in that night or if you had gone out the other. If you had hidden it better or hadn’t hidden it at all. The “what-if” scenarios can haunt us, lingering in the corners of our minds.
Life is a continuous series of decisions, some conscious and most unconscious. You don’t know which past decision in your life shaped it the way it is today or which unmade choice led to the unfolding of the series of events in your life.
What mostly goes overlooked are the consequences of the choices we don’t make — the roads not taken, the opportunities left unexplored, and the untapped potential. However, every decision, whether conscious or unconscious, leads us down a unique path.
Remember the poem Robert Forst wrote? “The Road Not Taken“
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth"
If we delve into the essence of it, a fundamental question emerges: Would Frost have opted for the less travelled path if he possessed knowledge of what lay at the end of each road? Frost’s poem encapsulates the universal struggle of decision-making and the uncertainty that accompanies it.
Imagine Frost standing at the crossroads, facing the divergent paths. If he were granted foresight into the outcomes of his choices, the very essence of his poetic contemplation might have shifted. The notion of “Two roads diverged in a yellow wood” would transform from a metaphorical conundrum into a strategic choice.
If Frost knew what lay ahead on both paths, the allure of the “road less travelled” might have been enhanced or diminished. Knowing the rewards or challenges awaiting him could sway his decision. The inherent curiosity and human propensity for seeking novelty might attract him toward the uncharted path. Conversely, foreknowledge of the obstacles could lead him to opt for the familiar path, seeking security.
Now imagine, for a moment, if you had the ability to peer into the myriad possibilities that each choice presents. What if you could see the outcomes of every decision you didn’t make? What if you knew the consequences of the unmade choices? How would this incredible ability influence your perspective on life? Would you still work at your current job? Would you still stay in your hometown?
Sadly, in reality, we cannot do that. But even though we cannot see what our future holds and probably staying dwelled in the past and web of what-ifs is not the most optimal idea what we can do in our power is to do everything we can do. Life indeed is unpredictable. Yet, there’s an enchanting aspect to life’s unpredictability. The beauty of serendipity and the thrill of the unknown could be diminished if we always knew the outcomes. The unexpected joys that come from taking a leap of faith, the surprise encounters that alter our paths — these would lose their magic. The spice of life often lies in its unpredictability. The only way to know what’s on the other side of the road is to travel the road, both the roads, all the roads.
We often get caught up in the idea of leading a perfect, conventional life that we forget to truly live it. The mere idea of life is to live; that’s your purpose; to live and experience it fully. Embark on explorations without restraint, immersing yourself to the fullest extent. Explore everything you can. Cry out loud. Laugh even louder. Take a break from work if that’s what you need. Do the things you wanted to do as a child but couldn’t because life got in the way. Watch that movie you’ve been thinking about. Treat yourself to that ice cream you’ve been craving. Hug the people you care about. Tell people you love them. Call people when you miss them. Visit the places you’ve been saving up for. Buy that shirt you’ve been eyeing. Show off your smile. Love yourself, because one day, the path you could have taken might be too far to return to.
In the blink of an eye, everything could change — you might cease to be. Reduced to ashes, carried away by the wind, or mixed with the earth. We’re like fragile threads in a vast empty space. But in this uncertainty lies a truth: the time we have is precious.
Amidst this fleeting existence, remember to live for yourself. Pursue the things that make you happy, follow your passions, and create memories that matter. Life’s short, but it’s what we do with it that counts. Make your story one that you’re proud of.